Dana Vais

In Quest for TRUTH: Research in Architecture


History and Archives

Andrea Romano Sposato

Reading St. Peter’s Basilica. Truth and Reconstruction

Mats Werchohlad

The Fabrication of Reality – A Relativistic Account on the Question what the Bauhaus ‘truly’ was

Zenaida Elena Florea

The Veracity of Print

Ileana Maria Kisilewicz

An Overview of the Research on the Preservation of Architectural Monuments in Bucovina done by the Central Commission in Vienna – 1853-1918

Discourse and Theory

Ilinca Pop

True Architecture and Truthful Architecture: Recovering a Critical Category

Oana Antonia Filip

The Methodology Generates Truth: A Study of Architectural Discourses from Post-Structuralist Perspective

Cathryn Klasto

Truths, Ethical Speculation and Subjecthood: The LTH Fountain

Design Practice

Konstantinos Perakis

The Dynamic Nature of Truth in Architecture: Unveiling Uncertainty through the Discourse of “Mistake” and “Chance”

Antonia Panaitescu, Angelica Stan

Patterns of Power in Current Romanian Legal Framework of Participatory Urbanism

Camelia Sisak

Exploring Truths. Architectural Competitions as Research Endeavors

Aristotelis Kaleris

Questioning Mapping as a Substrate of Architectural Truth

Technological Representations and the Future

Alexandru Sabău

To Know Your Future Dystopian City You Must First Know Your Past Architectural Avant-garde. Case Studies of Fictional Dystopias Depicted in Film and Video Games

Andreea Robu-Movilă

LATENT REPRESENTATIONS: In “Quest for Truth” between Mental Space and Latent Space in Architectural Design Process

Annabel Pretty

Surplus Reality: GenAI and the Post-Truth Architectural Milieu of Representation


Șerban Țigănaș

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